To readers
The sudden and successive appearances of web 2.0 (Facebook in 2004) and smartphones (iPhone in 2006) have considerably altered our relationship with culture and information, and dealt a blow to the literary system as it had been organised for several decades.
During the COVID-19 crisis, I thought I'd try something to inject my literature into the web, into our phones.
The creation of this cybercarnet kept me busy for many hours – spread over many months, often in the evenings after work – and my initial wish was to have a showcase on the web for my texts.
As my technical training progressed, I realised that it was possible to build a platform for authors and turn it into a sort of springboard, an intermediary between publishing houses and a massively connected general public.
I hope that this platform will be fed by the regular publication of a variety of texts, in free or private access, as the authors choose; authors will also choose the language in which they publish their text. In the meantime, if you wish to read the texts in an other language, you will need to use translation features of your browser or a browser extension like this one.
It is already possible to chat with readers at the end of each text, and news will be sent by email to subscribers.
I hope you like the result, that it makes you want to read a bit more about the authors, and that it opens up new avenues for them – however briefly.
Happy reading,