What is Signes?

A platform for authors. Each author has a personal page containing published texts, a biography and personal links. Texts are edited before publication.

A blog, again ?

No. This platform stands out from the others in at least three respects: a streamlined layout for a pleasant reading experience, including on smartphones; the absence of editorial constraints; and a fully integrated submission and editing process.

How often do you send emails?

This may vary; no more than one per month, perhaps less, depending on the activity of the authors. No marketing mail, no spam. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Why opt for a paying plan?

To access all the texts, chat with readers and support the independence of the project.

How is readers' money used?

The money raised is entirely dedicated to the development and promotion of the platform. We do not use advertising or your data. Your generosity and commitment are our only support.

Why aren't authors paid?

This is not the aim. The platform is made available free of charge to authors to help them promote themselves, by showing an overview of their work and their personal links.

What happens to personal data?

They are not collected. The site does not use any cookies. It is hosted autonomously on a secure server, located in Europe, thanks to the open source nature of the engine used.

How do I publish on Signes?

One page is dedicated to this issue. There is no clearly defined internal process. Introduce yourself and we'll see what happens! Do not send your texts by email. They are submitted directly on the platform after admission.